Technical writing

ConsoleTeaching others how to use technology is an important part of what I do. My first major training project was teaching staff how to update pages on our new website in 2004 as we moved content over from our old website to our new website.

I had training sessions every two weeks with staff demonstrating different tasks and divided up the content that needed to be moved into assignments for each staff member. I was available to answer questions in between training sessions. I also prepared written reference documents with screen shots for them to reference.

After we launched the new website, conference leaders decided to collect local church leadership information using the website. I scheduled and conducted training sessions in each district as well as online with Go To Meeting to teach local church secretaries and pastors how to use the online system to enter their leader information. I also created a printable set of instructions for how to update their information.

As we used the system, I provided feedback to the developers about problems we encountered, which were used to improve the system and prevent duplicate entries of people.

Congregations also had access to update other information about their congregations through the website. I created help-sheets to help explain how to enter classifieds, events, prayer concerns and change usernames and passwords. See an example..

I also set up websites for our district offices and provided instruction manuals for them as well. To provide ongoing training sessions, I used Go To Meeting, the online application, to deliver training to our offices in Salina, Hutchinson, Hays and Dodge City. In addition, Go To Meeting has been a helpful tool in doing trouble-shooting with the district administrative assistants when they had problems.

Instruction manuals were revised and training was provided utilizing both in-person one-on-one training sessions and Go To Meeting when the Kansas East Conference staff started maintaining their website in 2007.

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