Consulting with Center for Small Membership Churches


I’ve been consulting with the director of the Center for Small Membership Churches on his marketing materials, social media strategy, webinar creation, website content, online course development and electronic newsletters for the past four years. Rev. Dr. Carl Ellis has a passion for small-membership churches and developing quality lay leaders to support their ministry.

I set up an online meeting room in Adobe Connect for the Small Membership Church Center to do web sessions. I customized the room layout and trained the director in how to use the features of the room.

The social media strategy for the center is to create a Facebook page for small membership church people to gather and converse, find resources, share ideas, ask questions and see the work of the Center for Small Membership Churches. Growth of the page, which was started in March 2012, is slow. There are 69 likes for the page. As a co-administrator, I try to help keep the content fresh.

The newsletter features the center director’s blog, stories about ministries that are working for other churches, upcoming events and Certified Lay Ministry courses, and a question and answer section when appropriate.

The center is using students in a marketing course at Kansas Wesleyan University to create marketing materials for the different programs run by the center, including summer Vacation Bible School, a program designed to help local churches and their new pastors get started on the right foot, and the Certified Lay Ministry program. I’ve reviewed the marketing materials, edited the copy and made design suggestions, met with the students via Skype to hear presentations from them on their proposed materials.

Example materials: Brochure 1, Brochure 2

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